our luv story..

our luv story..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 10, 2010


i'm really hope miracle will happen tomorrow..

ekcely last friday, i've just received an email from my fren. he told us that our 'K' factor will be determined by tomorow. d board will held a meeting tomorrow morning. so, i'm really hope miracle will happen 2 us..i couldn't imagine i've 2 find work again. so tired u know. @ age 30 still have no permanent job..i'm so scared..nervous 2 hear d result..

anyhow, i've 2 leave it beside..cannot worry about it too much..life must go on.

lunch arini different skit..sbb nya inceek tunang yg baik ati tu banjer aku mamam sate..syiook nyer. bkn sbb makan sate tp sbb dpt jmpa inceek tunang. yelah starting tomorrow aku dh bz ngn outstation..in fact nih 1st time la aku g lunch ngn inceek tunang ms weekend. biasanya, bila weekend memasing layan diri sendirik jerk..hehe..

tengkiu2 banjer mamam yer inceek tunang. thanks jugak amikkan baju n belikan brooch utk aku. erm, aku dh ada brooch supplier. so, takyah nk beli sendirik dah..hebat kan.

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